
From the World news24


mercoledì 29 ottobre 2014

Clash of Clans Halloween update: 9 new features you need to know about

Clash of Clans Halloween update is in full swing! Supercell treated us to another season bonus, but it’s not just a spooky new intro, there’s a whole load of new features to check out too.
If you are a cheapo farmer then you might not like them all, but some of them are temporary so hurry before they’re gone!
There’s resources boosts, extra guns, additional stats and a whole new trap type.
Here are the best new features, in order of awesomeness:
1. Skeleton trap
What an awesome new feature! Anybody worried about spending their money upgrading these if they are just temporary for Halloween, fret not: the skeleton traps are here to stay (some people are still bitter about their Santa bomb disappearing last Christmas).
Unlockable and upgradeable to lv2 at Town Hall 8, and maxable at TH 9, each trap releases a pair of skeletons (you get an extra skeleton per level upgraded) similar to the witch’s summoned buddies.
They are great for distracting Archers and Barbarians, but even better for picking away at slow troops that don’t defend themselves, like Giants and Golems.
Better still, they can be switched to air mode where they can pull down balloons at their leisure. They have the largest trigger radius of the traps at five spaces, and arent nearly as expensive as the great bombs to reset.
Plus they only need one tile to hide! Stick them deep inside your base.
2. Mortar number 4
A new mortar! Probably introduced because everyone is raiding with Barcher armies these days, pummelling your way into a village’s storage is going to be a little tougher now with a fourth mortar splashing weaker troops to bits.
3. Player profile troop info
This is invaluable for clan moms. Suspect someone in your clan is holding out donating a troop claiming they don’t have the level required? Now you can bust them.
Each player’s unlocked troops and their highest researched level is now displayed in their profile.
Excellent for organising who cooks what for Clan Castle defences during war.
4. Spooky obstacles!
How cute are these?! Zoom right into the obstacles to find pumpkins, skulls, bones and spooky faces carved into them. Watch out for the headstone – it’s expensive to remove at 25,000 Elixir, but you immediately get your pink back three-fold, so dont hestitate to snap up that 75,000.
Sadly, we imagine these will disappear after Halloween.
5. War loot + league bonus
League bonuses have always been a bit of a joke… now at least they are less so. Most people won’t raid a village if they dont have six figure resources for stalking, so the extra measly 5,000 or so you got for a successful gold III raid for example wasn’t much of an incentive.
Now you get 8,000 for that level – not much of a raise but better than nothing I suppose.
War loot has been plumped up much higher though, with castle stores bursting at the seams following a successful war.
6. One-gem spell boosts
Another temporary bonus for the Halloween week unfortunately, spell factories can be boosted for just one gem to cook your spells four times faster for two hours.
Great for if you’re using lightning to take out defences while speed raiding.
7. Clan profile info
A nice little touch: clans can advertise how often they war and where they are based, and players can search for clans via this.
Each clan is also issued a unique code now as well, so if you are looking for a good original clan name like Dragon Warriors, you can find the specific one.
8. One-button resource boost
This one’s for the lazy clashers – instead of individually gem boosting your resources, you can boost them all with a single click. I know upgrading each piece of wall was a pain to some people but come on – the most you have is seven mines.
9. Maintenance pause
This one is such a no-brainer, I was shocked it wasn’t already the case. Have you ever spent your valuable gems boosting a resource, only for a maintence break to come and interrupt it?
I haven’t, and I’m glad because I would have thrown my phone at the wall if I had. Now gem boosts will pause for maintenence breaks so you can resume them afterward. Duh Supercell!